List of Patron Saints by Occupation

Academics - Thomas Aquinas
Actors - Genesius, Matthew
Accountants - Matthew
Acrobats - John Bosco
Acupunturists - Mark Ji Tianxiang
Advertisers - Bernard of Clairvaux, Bernardine of Siena
Altar servers - John Berchmans, Stephen, Tarcisius
Amatuer radio operators - Maximilian Kolbe
Ambassadors - Gabriel the Archangel
Ambulance Driver - Michael the Archangel
Anesthesiologists - René Goupil
Animal rights activists - Francis of Assisi
Apprentices - John Bosco
Archeologists - Helen of Constantinople
Archers - George, Nicholas of Myra, Ursula
Archivists - Lawrence
Architects - Barbara, Benedict of Nursia, Bernward of Hildesheim, Thomas the Apostle
Armourers - George
Arms dealers - Adrian of Nicomedia
Art dealers - John the Evangelist
Artillerymen - Barbara
Artists - Catherine of Bologna, Luke the Evangelist, Philip Neri
Astronauts - Joseph of Cupertino
Astronomers - Dominic
Athletes - Sebastian, Christopher
Attorneys - Genesius
Audiologist - Francis de Sales
Auditors - Matthew
Authors - Francis de Sales, John the Evangelist, Lucy
Aviators - Joseph of Cupertino, Our Lady of Loreto, Thérèse of Lisieux
Bakers - Agatha of Sicily, Elisabeth of Hungary, Honorius of Amiens, Peter the Apostle, Nicholas
Bakers of altar bread - Honorius of Amiens
Bankers - Bernardine of Feltre, Cajetan (Cayetano), Matthew, Michael
Barbers - Cosmas & Damian, Martin de Porres, Louis IX of France
Barristers - Genesius
Bartenders - Amand
Basket makers - Anthony the Abbot
Bead makers - Eligius
Beekeepers - Ambrose of Milan, Bernard of Clairvaux, Modomnóc of Ossory, Valentine
Bell makers - Agatha of Sicily
Belt makers - Alexius of Rome, Theobald of Provins
Biochemists - Giuseppe Moscati
Biologists - Albert the Great
Bird dealers - John the Baptist
Blacksmiths - Dunstan, Peter the Apostle
Boat builders (shipwrights) - Brendan the Navigator
Boatmen - Julian the Hospitaller
Bookbinders - Christopher, Pope Celestine V
Bookkeepers - Matthew
Booksellers - John of God, John the Apostle, Thomas Aquinas
Botany - Fiacre
Box makers - Fiacre
Boy Scouts - George
Brewers - Amand, Arnold of Soissons, Augustine of Hippo, Dorothea of Caesarea, Nicholas of Myra
Bricklayers - Stephen
Bridge builders - Bénézet, Peter the Apostle
Broadcasters - Gabriel the Archangel
Brush makers - Anthony of Padua
Builders - Barbara, John the Baptist, Vincent Ferrer
Bus drivers - Christopher
Businessmen/women (entrpeneurs) - Homobonus
Butchers - Adrian of Nicomedia, Andrew the Apostle, Anthony the Abbot, Lawrence, Luke, Peter the Apostle
Butlers - Zita
Button makers - Louis IX of France
Cabinet makers - Andrew the Apostle, Anne, Joseph
Calvary Soldiers - Martin of Tours
Candle makers - Ambrose of Milan, Honorius of Amiens
Candy makers- Macarius of Alexandria
Canon lawyers - Raymond of Penyafort, Robert Bellarmine
Caregivers - Aloysius Gonzaga, John the Apostle
Carpenters - Joseph, Matthias, Peter the Apostle
Cashiers - Joseph
Casket makers - Stephen
Cattlemen - Andrew the Apostle
Catechists - Charles Borromeo, Robert Bellarmine
Catholic students - Aloysius Gonzaga
Cavalry - George
Ceramists - Catherine of Alexandria
Chandlers - Ambrose of Milan, Bernard of Clairvaux
Chaplains - John of Capistrano, Martin of Tours, Quentin
Cheese makers - Lucio, Uguzo
Chefs - Francis Caracciolo, Lawrence
Chemists - Albert the Great
Chess players - Teresa of Ávila
Chimney sweeps - Erasmus of Formiae, Florian
Choreographers - Vitus
Cinema - Genesius
Civil engineers - Benedict, Dominic de la Calzada
Civil servants - Benedict, Matthew, Thomas More
Cleaners - Zita
Clergy - Gabriel Francis Possenti, John Vianney
Clerical Work - Genesius of Arles, Mark the Evangelist
Clinical Psychologists - Dymphna
Clinical Sociologists - Max
Clock makers - Eligius, Peter the Apostle
Cloth workers - Homobonus, Peter the Apostle
Clowns - Genesius, Maturinus
Coaches (sports) - Barnabas, Sebastian
Coal workers - Barbara
Cobblers - Crispin
Coffee makers - Drogo of Sebourg
Coin collectors - Eligius
Comedians - Genesius, Lawrence, Philip Neri, Vitus
Communications workers - Gabriel the Archangel
Composers - Cecilia
Computer programmers - Isidore of Seville
Computer scientists - Isidore of Seville
Computer technicians - Isidore of Seville
Computer users - Isidore of Seville
Concrete workers - Vincent Ferrer
Conductors (music) - Cecelia
Conductors (trains, railways) - Catherine of Alexandria
Confectioners - Honorius of Amiens
Construction workers - John the Baptist, Thomas the Apostle, Vincent Ferrer
Cooks - Lawrence, Martha, Macarius of Alexandria
Coppersmith - Asicus, Benedict
Copy writers - Francis de Sales
Coroners - Joseph of Arimathea
Correctional officers - Adrian of Nicomedia
Cosmetologists - Cosmas and Damian, Louis IX of France, Mary Magdalene, Martin de Porres
Counselors - Christina the Astonishing, Dymphna
Couriers - Bona of Pisa, Gabriel the Archangel
Court clerks - Thomas More
Craftsmen - Joseph, Macarius of Unzha
Cremators - Joseph of Arimathea, Lemoyne
Crew Leaders - Joseph
Critics - Augustine of Hippo
Crusaders - George
Curators - Catherine of Bologna
Curriers (leatherwork) - Bartholomew the Apostle, Crispin
Customs agents - Matthew
Cutlers (knife sharpeners) - Catherine of Alexandria, Lucy
Dairy workers - Brigid of Ireland
Dancers - Genesius, Vitus
Daycare Workers - Elizabeth Seton, Nicholas, Philomena
Deacons - Stephen, Marinus
Deacons (female) - Phoebe the Deaconess
Deckhands - Brendan
Dentists - Antipas, Apollonia, Foillan
Delivery Drivers - Fiacre
Dietitians - Martha
Diplomats - Gabriel the Archangel
Dispatchers - Gabriel the Archangel
District Attorney - Michael the Archangel
Doctors - Cosmas & Damian, Luke, Pantaleon, Raphael the Archangel
Domestic workers - Zita
Drapers - Severus of Avranches
Drivers - Christopher, Fiacre, Frances of Rome
Dyers - Maurice and Lydia
Ecologists - Francis of Assisi, KateriEditors - John Bosco, John the Evangelist
Educators - Ignatius of Loyola, John Baptist de la Salle, Marcellin Champagnat, Scholastica
Embroiderers - Clare of Assisi, Rose of Lima
Emergency dispatchers - Gabriel the Archangel
Engineers - Benedict of Nursia, Ferdinand III, Patrick
Military engineers - Barbara
English writers - Bede
Environmentalists - Kateri
Equestrians - Andrew the Apostle, George, James, son of Zebedee
Exorcists - Anastasia of Sirmium
Farmers - Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Vienne, Botolph, Eligius, Isidore the Farmer, Notburga, Phocas the Gardener, Theobald of Provins, Walstan
Farm workers - Andrew the Apostle, Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Vienne, Eligius, George, Isidore the Farmer, Notburga, Phocas the Gardener, Walstan
Farriers - Eligius, John the Baptist
Field workers - Medard
Firefighters - Eustachius, Florian
Brazilian firefighters - George
Military firefighters - Barbara
Fireworks makers - Barbara
Fishermen - Andrew the Apostle, Benno, Our Lady of Salambao, Peter the Apostle, Vincent Ferrer, Zeno of Verona
Fishmongers - Andrew the Apostle, Magnus of Avignon, Peter the Apostle
Flight attendants - Bona of Pisa
Florists - Dorothea of Caesarea, Fiacre, Honorius of Amiens, Thérèse of Lisieux
Flour merchants - Honorius of Amiens
Foresters - John Gualbert
Foundry workers - Barbara
Fullers - Anastasius the Fuller
Funeral directors - Joseph of Arimathea
Furriers - Hubertus, James, son of Zebedee
Gamblers - Cajetan
Gardeners - Ansovinus, Christopher, Fiacre, Phocas the Gardener, Rose of Lima, Urban of Langres
Geoscientists - Barbara
Glass makers - Peter the Apostle
Glaziers - Lucy
Gliders - Clare of Assisi
Goldsmiths - Clare of Assisi, Dunstan, Eligius
Grave diggers - Anthony the Abbot, Roch
Greeting card manufacturers - Valentine
Grocer - Michael
Guards - Adrian of Nicomedia, Peter of Alcantara
Guides - Bona of Pisa
Haberdashers - Catherine of Alexandria
Hairdressers/hairstylists - Cosmas and Damian, Louis IX of France, Mary Magdalene, Martin de Porres
Harness makers - Eligius
Harvesters - Peter the Apostle
Hat makers - Severus of Avranches
Headache sufferers - Teresa of Ávila
Healers - Anastasia of Sirmium, Brigid of Ireland
Heraldry - Benedict of Nursia
Herbalists - Fiacre
Historians - Bede
Homemakers - Andrew the Apostle
Horsemen - George
Horticulture - Dorothea of Caesarea, Fiacre
Hosiers - Fiacre
Hospital administrators - Basil the Great, Frances Xavier Cabrini
Hospital public relations - Paul the Apostle
Hospital workers - Camillus of Lellis, John of God, Jude
Housekeepers - Zita
Husbandry - Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Vienne, Eligius, George, Isidore the Farmer, Phocas the Gardener, Walstan
Hunters - Eustachius, Hubertus
Ice skaters - LidwinaImmigrants - Frances Xavier Cabrini
Infantrymen - Maurice
Innkeepers - Amand, Martin de Porres
Jesters - Maturinus
Jesuit scholastics - Aloysius Gonzaga
Jewelers - Eligius
Job seekers - Cajetan (Cayetano)
Joiners - Matthew
Journalists - Francis de Sales, Maximilian Kolbe
Jurors - Catherine of Siena
Jurists - Catherine of Alexandria, John of Capistrano
Kings - Edward the Confessor
Knights - George
Laborers - Joseph, Lucy
Lace workers - Teresa of Ávila
Land surveyors - Thomas the Apostle
Laundry workers - Clare of Assisi, Hunna, Veronica
Lawyers - Genesius, Mark, Thomas More, Yves
Leather workers - Bartholomew the Apostle, Crispin
Librarians - Catherine of Alexandria, Jerome, Lawrence
Lighthouse keepers - Verena
Linguists - Gottschalk
Locksmiths - Dunstan, Quentin
Lumberjacks - Gummarus
Machinists - Hubert
Maids - Zita
Marble workers - Clement, Louis IX of France
Marines - Barbara
Manual laborers - Isidore the Farmer, Joseph
Makers of images of the crucifix - John of Damascus
Mariners - Brendan the Navigator, Christopher, Clement, Nicholas of Tolentine
Martyrs - Anastasia of Sirmium, Lucy
Masons - Louis IX of France, Stephen
Matchmakers - Raphael the Archangel
Mathematicians - Barbara, Hubert
Mechanics - Catherine of Alexandria, Eligius
Medical record librarians - Raymond of Penyafort
Medical social workers - John Regis
Medical technicians - Albertus Magnus
Mental health professionals - Dymphna
Merchants - Amand, Francis of Assisi, Macarius of Unzha, Nicholas of Myra
Messengers - Gabriel the Archangel
Metal workers - Eligius
Meteorologists - Medard
Midwives - Pantaleon, Raymond Nonnatus
Military - Michael
Millers - Arnulph, Christina the Astonishing, Leodegar, Winnoc
Milliner (hat maker) - Catherine of Alexandria
Miners - Barbara
Missionaries - Francis Xavier, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Paul the Apostle, Thérèse of Lisieux
Morticians - Joseph of Arimathea
Motorcyclists - Columbanus
Motorists - Anthony the Abbot
Mountaineers - Bernard of Menthon
Musicians - Cecilia, Dunstan, Genesius, Hildegard
Natural scientists - Albertus Magnus
Navigators - Brendan the Navigator
Numismatists - Eligius
Notaries - Luke the Evangelist
Nuns - Brigid of Ireland, Scholastica
Nurses - Agatha of Sicily, Alexius of Rome, Camillus of Lellis, Catherine of Alexandria, John of God, Margaret of Antioch, Raphael the Archangel
Children's nurses - Foillan
Nursing services - Elisabeth of Hungary
Nurse anesthetists - René Goupil
Nursing mothers - Basilissa
Obstetricians - Raymond Nonnatus
Occultists - Cyprian of Antioch
Odd lot dealers - Cajetan
Officers at arms - Benedict of Nursia
Oil refiners - Honorius of Amiens
Opticians - Hubert
Painters - Luke the Evangelist
Papal delegates - Pope John XXIII
Paramedics - Michael the Archangel
Paralegals - Patrick
Paratroopers - Michael the Archangel
Parish clerks - Cassian of Imola
Pasty makers - Piran
Pawnbrokers - Bernardine of Feltre, Nicholas of Myra
Peasants - Lucy
Perfumers - Mary Magdalene, Matthew, Nicholas
Pewterers - Fiacre
Pharmacists - Cosmas, Damian, Gemma Galgani, James, son of Alphaeus, James, son of Zebedee, Mary Magdalene, Raphael the Archangel
Philosophers - Albertus Magnus, Boethius, Catherine of Alexandria
Photographers - Veronica
Physical therapists - Germaine Cousin
Physicists - Rebekah
Pig keepers - Anthony the Abbot, Malo
Pilgrims - Bona of Pisa, James, son of Zebedee
Pilots - Christopher
Plasterers - Bartholomew the Apostle
Playing Card Manufacturers - Balthasar
Plumbers - Maturinus, Vincent Ferrer
Police dispatchers - Gabriel the Archangel
Police officers - Jude, Michael the Archangel
Brazilian police officers - George
Politicians - Thomas the Apostle, Thomas More, Marinus
Poor students - Joseph of Cupertino
Popes - Peter the Apostle
Porters - Quentin
Postal workers - Gabriel the Archangel
Pottery - Catherine of Alexandria, Peter the Apostle, Spyridon
Preachers - Catherine of Alexandria
Priests - John Vianney
Diocesan priests - Thomas Becket
Printers - Augustine of Hippo, John Bosco, John the Baptist
Prison guards - Adrian of Nicomedia
Psychologists: Dymphna
Psychiatrists - Christina the Astonishing, Dymphna
Publishers - John Bosco
Pyrotechnicians - Barbara, Erasmus
Queens - Jadwiga of Poland
Radio workers - Gabriel the Archangel
Radiologists - Michael the Archangel
Railroad workers - Catherine of Alexandria
Retail Workers - Joseph
Saddle makers - Crispin, George
Saddlers - Lucy
Sailors - Botolph, Brendan the Navigator, Elizabeth Seton, Erasmus of Formiae, Nicholas of Myra, Peter the Apostle, Phocas the Gardener
French Canadian voyagers and sailors - Andrew the Apostle
Salespeople - Lucy
Scholars - Brigid of Ireland
School children - Isidore of Seville, Madeleine Sophie Barat
School teachers - Cassian of Imola
Scientists - Albertus Magnus, Dominic
Scribes - Catherine of Alexandria
Sculptors - Claude, Louis IX of France
Seafarers - Brendan the Navigator
Seamstress - Veronica
Second hand dealers - Roch
Secretaries - Catherine of Alexandria, Claude, Genesius
Security guards - Matthew, Michael the Archangel
Seminarians - Charles Borromeo, Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
Service men - Barbara
Shepherds - Bernadette of Lourdes,Cuthbert, Cuthman, Dominic of Silos, Drogo of Sebourg, George, Germaine Cousin, Julian the Hospitaller, Raphael the Archangel, Regina, Solange
Shipwright (boat builder) - Brendan the Navigator
Shoemakers - Crispin, Gangulphus, Peter the Apostle, Theobald of Provins
Shorthand writers - Cassian of Imola
Singers - Cecilia
Silk makers - Severus of Avranches
Skiers - Bernard of Menthon
Social Workers - Dymphna, Louise de Marillac
Software engineers - Isidore of Seville
Soldiers - Adrian of Nicomedia, George, Ignatius of Loyola, Joan of Arc, Martin of Tours, Michael the Archangel, Sebastian, Theodore Tyro
Special forces - Philip
Spectacle makers - Jerome
Speleologists - Benedict of Nursia
Spiritual directors - Ephrem the Syrian
Spur makers - Giles
Stablemen - Andrew the Apostle
Stained glass workers - Lucy
Statesmen - Thomas More
Steeplejacks - Erasmus of Formiae
Stenographers - Cassian of Imola, Catherine of Alexandria
Stonecutters - Clement
Stonemasons - Barbara, Reinold, Marinus
Students - Albertus Magnus, Benedict of Nursia, Catherine of Alexandria, Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Gemma Galgani, Isidore of Seville, Lawrence, Tatiana of Rome, Thomas Aquinas, Ursula, Wolbodo
Students in various European cities - Nicholas of Myra
Surfers - Christopher
Surgeons - Cosmas, Damian, Foillan, Luke the Evangelist, Quentin, Roch
Surveyors - Thomas the Apostle
Tailors - Homobonus, Matthias, Quentin
Tanners - Bartholomew the Apostle, Catherine of Alexandria, Clement, Crispin, Gangulphus, James, son of Zebedee, John the Apostle, John the Evangelist, Lawrence, Mary Magdalene, Simon
Tax collectors - Matthew
Taxi drivers - Eligius, Fiacre
Teachers - Andrew the Apostle, Anne de Beaupre, Francis de Sales, Gregory the Great, John Baptist de la Salle, Marcellin Champagnat, Thomas Aquinas, Ursula
Television workers - Gabriel the Archangel
Test takers - Joseph of Cupertino
Teutonic Knights - George
Therapist - Christina the Astonishing, Dymphna
Tin miners - Piran
Tinsmiths - Joseph of Arimathea, Piran
Tinsmiths in Paris - Maturinus
Theater performers - Clare of Assisi, Genesius
Theologians - Augustine of Hippo, John the Evangelist
Therapists - Dymphna
Tile makers - Fiacre, Roch
Town criers - Blaise
Translators - Gottschalk, Jerome
Trappers - Bartholomew the Apostle, Eustachius
Truss makers - Foillan
Undertakers - Dismas, Joseph of Arimathea
Unemployed - Cajetan (Cayetano)
Upholsterers: Teresa of Avila
Veterinarians - Blaise, Eligius, James, son of Zebedee
Vinegar makers - Vincent of Saragossa
Vine dressers - Urban of Langres
Vine growers - Amand, Urban of Langres
Vintners - Amand, Urban of Langres
Volunteers - Vincent de Paul
Waiters, waitresses, servers - Martha, Zita
Washer women - Hunna
Wax melters and refiners - Ambrose of Milan, Bernard of Clairvaux
Weavers - Anastasia of Sirmium, Anthony Mary Claret
Wheelwrights - Catherine of Alexandria
Wig makers - Louis IX of France
Wine growers - Theobald of Provins
Wine makers - Vincent of Saragossa
Working people - Joseph
Wood carvers - Wolfgang of Regensburg
Wood workers - Wolfgang of Regensburg
Wool combers and weavers - Blaise
Wool makers - Severus of Avranches
Writers - Francis de Sales, Hildegard, Lucy, Philip Neri, Teresa of Ávila